Issue № 2. 2024 р.

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Andriichuk T. S.
Public councils and other consultative and advisory bodies: functioning in conditions of full-scale war in Ukraine

Balan S. V.
National features of the informational state development

Burdiak V. I., Klym R. D.
Peculiarities of the Bulgarian government’s activities in the process of implementing the country’s European integration course

Vedenieiev V. O.
Peculiarities of the paradigmatic interpretation of the sociocultural foundations of the organization of political and legal institutions of the state

Ivanov M. S., Chuprin R. V.
Pro-Russian parties at the 2020 local elections in Ukraine: the order of candidates in the lists and gender quotas

Kozminykh A. V.
International and national «standards» for the prohibition of political parties under martial law

Kraiev O. V., Valiarenko Ye. M.
Technologies and populism: how Donald Trump manipulates the political agenda

Markitantov V. Yu., Suliatytska T. V.
Social basis of ruscism

Mushchenko Ya. O.
Features and classification of political factors of absenteeism

Panasyuk V. A.
The concept of Moscow – the Third Rome in the XXI century and Ukraine’s place in it

Petrakov M. O.
Memorial policy and rethinking the past: peculiarities of memorial legislation in European states in the new architecture of the international order

Sayenko I. V., Ostapchuk T. S., Samuilik M. M., Ostapchuk L.
Ukraine in the context of European security: summary and perspectives

Stoliarchuk L. B., Huley Yu. B.
Prospective directions for the development of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine

Yavir V. A.
Authoritarian policy and practices in the field of education in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine


Kovalevska T. A.
Peculiarities of political mythology in Ukrainian society

Petraiev O. S.
Islamic fundamentalism as a threat to the national security of Great Britain

Sokorinskiy V. O.
«Digital Panopticon» as a method of spreading digital totalitarianism and a threat to modern international relations


Babayev Ibrahim Mammad oglu
The role of the national oil strategy in the strengthening and development of independent statehood

Gurbanova Aygun
Human security as a key factor of international humanitarian law

Zherebiatnikova I. V., Kravchenko O. V., Gorbachov A. V.
Priorities of non-governmental organizations in regional subsystems of international relations

Ilnytska U. V.
Branding strategies in the international communications of modern states

Kokorev O. V., Yatvetska H. V., Savytsky A. Ya.
Borrowing experience: the way to an effective fight against corruption in Ukraine

Lepska N. V.
Resilience as a dynamic characteristic of the state in the conditions of modern geopolitical processes

Malıkova Zumrud Eldar gizi
Turkey’s participation in energy projects in the South Caucasus

Mankovskyi Ye. V.
The factor of Brexit in the foreign policy of Great Britain

Parkhomchuk O. S., Koppel O. A.
Cross-border cooperation and international relations in Europe

Sanin O. M.
The strategy of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine: the main scenarios of implementation in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war

Chupis A. D.
“Information weaponization” as a technology of the Russian-Ukrainian war